Thursday, December 2, 2010


Holy Sh*t on a stick.

Oh hi, *waves*. I can hardly believe it's already December. Can you believe it? I can't, that's for sure. The weather outside is frightful, no really it is. Did you see out your window? Snow and lots o' it. Okay Okay it's not that bad. I mean at least it's sunny as fack outside, even though it gets colder and colder. I'll take the cold and sun over warm and rain any day. Imagine darkness everyday, all day (no that wasn't a Charlie Murphy pun, if you don't know who "Darkness" is, then who are you?)

A lot of crazy things has happened over this year, I mean none that happened to me. It was like a telenovela up in here for the past six months and I did not once have a starring role. I mean I shouldn't complain, nothing that happened in this soap opera was anything spotlight worthy but in a strange way I felt a tad jealous. It's sort of ludicrous to say but really it's the truth. Travel I did, yes but as far as "drama" is concerned, I was fairly drama free this year. I can't forget or disregard my light drama fair in the summer but as far as romance, dating and all things encompassing, it was rather bland. very taupe actually. Then again how can anything without passion leave a lasting memory? Huh, go figure.

One could say (You know who you are) that I wasn't without any drama, but this my friends is not on the same scale of true, epic telenovela status, think more along the lines of Dawson's Creek (in it's sophomore slump). The "finding" your burning crush but being too scared and chicken shit of the consequences to act on it. Did this crush impede on my summer fling? Well no, the guy was a scrub but it sure made dumping his ass a whole lot easier. I may sound like a cold heartless wentch but I will not gingerly mix words. Did I think of "the crush" while I was with him, sure but it's not as "Dawson's Creek-y" as it all sounds.

Now, onto the next subject: Pedestals

Yes, pedestals. We all have them. Ones made for us, and the ones we make for ourselves. It a sort of natural progression of things. Sometimes I find myself falling in line with them all. The good girl pedestals, the smart girl pedestals. By no means am I trying to negate the fact that I'm a good and smart female just not all the time. There are times were I have lapses in judgement, case and point; my summer fling (Drum roll please! *Baah Dun Cha*) or there are times were I'm not necessarily a good girl. The whole "falling in line" thing I allocate with is not trying to let down people. More importantly, people I love. People whom matter to me. Cause well, their opinions matter to me. I don't know how I'll wrap up this subject, heck I hate wrapping things up. Open ended it shall be.

Moving on...

There is one thing I know a lot about, it's family. I preach it over and over again, cause mi familia, it's the best you see. Thats why I'm tres excited to be seeing some of my family members who I haven't seen in TEN YEARS! yes people, ten years. Can't wait to see how they've grown, show them how I've "grown". See them in one of the happiest days of their lives. It's gonna all be love, man. It's what this crazy month, this crazy year, this crazy LIFE is all about!

Until the next year, losers :p

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